Wolfenstein 3D & Blake S… Gold (Companion Edition)
Wolfenstein 3D and Blake Stone Aliens of Gold - Companion Edition.iso
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Text File
65 lines
The program used to produce these Blake Stone:AOG ** maps is BLAKEMAP by David
Lummis as modified by myself, Warren Buss.
Each Mission of Blake Stone contains 11 playable levels, 2 of which are secret.
The level labeled "Basement" is in fact the 1st secret level. The other one is
level 10.
The maps all contain 66 lines and because of the width of the page, must be
printed at 17 cpi. This is considered "compressed print" for most printers and
is either set by sending a command to your printer or is available via buttons
on the printer. Check the manual for your printer to see how to set up
compressed printing.
The Map Legend which tells what all the symbols on the maps mean can be
printed using normal print. From the legend map you can immediately learn
which objects/guards/aliens will be present depending on the skill level you
use to play the game.
Often times items you can use are encased in cargo crates. The maps show what
is in a crate, not the crate itself.
After you've played Blake Stone a number of times, you will probably notice
that Bio-Technicians (the guys walking around in lab smocks) and certain other
objects will not always be the same each time you run the game. For example,
you may enter a room with 2 Bio-Techs who turn out to be friendly "informants"
the first time you go in. If Blake loses a life and you restart the
level, then reenter the same room with the same 2 Bio-Techs, one or both may
be unfriendly this time (loyal to Goldfire).
Because of the above there is no way to indicate in a map what sort of Bio
Tech you will encounter (friendly or not), only where they are when a level
is started. Whether an enemy drops an Energy Pack (ammo) or a token when killed
is determined dynamically and randomly by the Blake Stone engine. (Friendly
Bio Techs do not drop anything except themselves when killed).
Many of the enemies and certain objects are capable of movement. The map will
only show where they start when you begin a level. This means they will often
be somewhere else by the time Blake gets there.
The symbols for Access Cards are used in 2 ways. 1) to show where they are to
be found and 2) to show what doors they open. For example, the code for a Gold
Access card is 'cg'. 'cg' will appear in a map where the card is to be found
and will also appear in place of a door symbol to indicate what door it unlocks.
At the present time there is no way to depict symbolically which barrier switch
controls which barrier.
High Energy Plasma Aliens (the "electric creatures") are sometimes found in a
room with a one or more Plasma Cubes (looks like a large electrical outlet).
Other times they will be in a room with no Plasma Cubes. In this latter case,
when you dispose of them, they will not reappear. In the former case, they will
keep being regenerated by the Plasma cubes (the cubes cannot be destroyed). The
cubes are denoted by 'ΣΣ' symbols on the map. When you encounter these symbols
in a room but do not see any 'E' symbols for the aliens themselves, that only
means that when you enter the room they will start to be generated from the
Plasma cubes.
** Blake Stone: AOG is Copyright (c) 1993 by Jam Productions and Apogee Software
These maps are not the property of either Apogee Software or Jam Productions,
nor will they support them. Do NOT contact either company for help with the
maps. They are a method of cheating, so if you do not wish to be a "cheater",
then it is suggested you not use these maps.
Warren Buss [71044,3477]